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The faith journey happens here

It is no accident that thousands have begun or renewed their faith journey here at Mel Trotter Ministries.

Ministry is at the core of who we are and what we do. But we cannot do it alone. The guests need you to show up and show love. They need churches, individuals, and organizations within our great community to come alongside them and give what many of them lack—relationships based on unconditional love and acceptance.

You have something to offer and it’s much more than serving a hot meal, it’s using your God-given gifts!

Pray for the guests at MTM

Current Praises and Prayer Requests

“Thank you Lord for my new home.”
“I hope my baby comes out of the mess she’s in.”
“Help me find a church community that will love and accept me.”
“Pray for all the good folks here we live with.”
“Thank you for my new roommate.”
“Pray for protection around my children, grand children and great grandchildren.”

 Ongoing Prayer Requests

Family Reunification
Faith Journey
Safety of the guests and staff
Devotional Leaders
Someone to walk alongside guests/Friendship Ministry
Wisdom and guidance for MTM leadership

“Can we pray for you?


Transforming Lives

“Consistency is so important, getting to see the same person every other week. I love to interact with everyone at Mel Trotter. This makes me happy,” said Sharon with a smile. “I hit rock bottom but I never gave up. I try to say that to everyone I meet—to never give up.”


Sharon smiled at every person who came through her line for COVID-19 screening and testing at Mel Trotter Ministries. She chatted with each one, asked how they were doing, did her best to make everyone feel at ease and cared for. Doing so is her job as a patient service representative for Binson Nursing and Staffing, but it’s also because she knows and loves Mel Trotter Ministries.

*Names and faces have been changed to protect the privacy of our guests.

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